Friday, 17 August 2012

Are The Best Things In Life Really Free?

                      They say the best things in life are free. But are they really free?

No. Even though we may not be able to put a price on certain things, that does not make it free. Relationships for example, these are priceless, but free? Never. Remember when you learnt in science how that effort = work? and putting in effort, thats not free, isnt it? A relationship only works when you put in effort. Be it a relationship with God, your parents, teachers, friends or the one you love. Its impossible to have a relationship with no effort put in.

God. Someone who will never let us down:)
God. He is one of the best things ever in our life, and yes, our relationship with Him is  "free" in a way, but that does not mean it cost us nothing.We all gave up certain things when we decided to follow Him. Maybe we gave up certain things that we liked, 'the world, or flesh' for example, but in the end, its all worth it.

Best friends. These requires lots of love and patience and kindness and advice. You give some, and you get some. But then, what if you put all your effort in and it dosent work out? Should you give up? Maybe they ditched you for 'better' friends, maybe they try to steal your boyfriend/girlfriend?
But then again, nothing in this world is perfect, isnt it?
It has been said that friends come to you life for a reason , season, or a lifetime. Some are just there to see if they can get what you have and they dont. Others, they are there to be a 'sister' or 'brother' to you. These 'brothers and sisters', they are family, they are there for you when you need them. They give you love, advice, time, help, and fun times. These are priceless people.

The One You Love:) <3
And then, of course, there are the extra special relationship with boyfriends, or girlfriends.At some point they are your everything. And i can tell you thaat this is one relationship that is never, never free. There are commitments to stick to, expectations and promises to fulfill. Love and trust need to be given, or it wont work. But without these awesome people in our life, we wouldnt be what we are now. It is here, in these relationships, that we give and sacrifce the most. All because of love. They are the ones that trust you and help you. Change the way you look at things in life, teach you to hope, love, pray, and to give. To help you change. Break bad habits, maybe. But the best ones, they are perfect. Priceless. But not free

Relationships. Pricless:)

All these people, all these relationships, they make life worth living. They give you a reason to wake up each morning. And yes, these may never be free, but they are the best things in life.
So, are the best things in life really free?? :)

PS: As this is my first post of my first blog, I wrote this especially for you, Baby. And I LOVE YOU ALOTTT! : D

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